
WPA needs your help...

White Phoenix Acupuncture is a non-profit clinic in Portland, Oregon, providing affordable care to help our community and natural, low impact medicine to help our planet. We consider social and community benefit of utmost importance.

Your help supporting our non-profit allows us to keep our pricing affordable for our community, providing peace and healing to all who need it, not just those who can afford it!

Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine is a holistic medical system. It’s effective in almost every illness, the needles and herbal extracts are low cost and work with the body’s natural ability to heal, thus restoring vital health, easing pain, and relieving stress. With regular treatment, patients can experience profound healing and a better quality of life.

However, there are many folk who cannot afford our lowest point in our affordability program or, who can afford their acupuncture visits but cannot afford the additional cost of much needed herbal medicine to treat cases of severe illness or chronic pain yet wish to get off of their opioid pain relievers.

For these folks, extra assistance is needed. Thus, we have created our Affordable Care Fund to help subsidize their care. We do ask everyone to contribute something, usually 50% our lowest fee or cost of herbal medicine, and the remainder is supported by this fund.

How can you help?

By your generosity, you ensure stability for WPA. With a lightened burden, we can keep the price of treatments low. This allows for more people in the community to have access to care. You gift will go directly to our, Affordable Care Fund which will defray 50% of the cost of an acupuncture treatment or Traditional East Asian Medicine formula to those who cannot afford our very low rates.

You can make a one-time gift or a monthly contribution, whichever you prefer, and any amount is most deeply appreciated by all.

White Phoenix Acupuncture is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit and all donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

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