White Phoenix Acupuncture

Team Member


Melanie Chang

Reiki Practitioner

My path as a healer began at a young age as a biracial Asian American growing up in Hawaii steeped in culture.  My father had an extensive library of books about acupuncture, Qi Gong, reflexology Shiastu, and the I Ching which I soaked up like a sponge.   My family members and friends were my first “patients” to receive bodywork.   It was common practice in our family to visit the local herbalist in Chinatown for herbal formulas to treat illness.   My Popo (grandmother) often made nutritional soups with some of the herbs.   I was so passionate about of benefits of Chinese medicine I chose acupuncture as my high school science fair project.   A few judges asked if I thought Eastern medicine was better than Western medicine.   I explained one was not better than the other and the beauty of Chinese medicine was it could be used in conjunction with Western medicine.

Being of service to others brought me the greatest joy.  I spent 11 years as a social worker in Chicago and San Jose, CA working with children  and families followed by a decade in Human Resources before deciding to study Chinese medicine formally.   I spent 2 yrs. studying Chinese Medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine before taking a leave of absence following my father’s passing.  During a long period of  self reflection, I decided to become a Reiki practitioner giving a voice to my Japanese heritage and returning to the healing modality that came most naturally to me.

Reiki is a natural and safe method of holistic healing  effective in helping almost every known illness.  It also works complementary with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to promote recovery and reduce side effects.  The National Institutes of Health (NIH) classified Reiki as a form of energy medicine with no known contraindications and does not interfere with conventional medical procedures or drug treatments.   Some benefits from receiving Reiki regularly are:

  • Accelerated healing after injury or surgery
  • Reduction in acute or chronic pain
  • Relief from insomnia
  • Stress reduction
  • Enhanced immune system
  • Reduced side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments
  • Restoring balance:  physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

As a Reiki practitioner, my intention is to be fully present to provide you with a safe space to receive universal energy where it is most needed to promote healing and well-being.

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